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What I Learnt about learning issues and how I can help you
Sometimes things happen by accident. That is how I became involved with teaching neurodevelopment. My son was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was six and I was told there was nothing that could be done. I did not believe that and went in search of answers.
I came across Svea Gold, a brilliant and wonderful mother who had had an autistic son and, like me, wanted to help him. Svea had been teaching neurodevelopment for 40 years and she taught me what I needed to help my son. Soon my phone began ringing and other parents who had heard about what I had done for my son, wanted me to help them. I realised some months later that I had built an accidental practice. And now five years later, there is another need and I have developed the programme of movements I use, into an exercise class for all. I have helped children, adolescents and adults all over the world. I have many amazing stories to tell about this journey, and some of them are written by others in the testimonials.
What I do know is that this programme has been helping people for decades, and it could help you too, whether you have a child that needs it or whether you want to train so you can help others. Sue Cook BSc (Hons) Lic LCCH
Here is a link to a radio interview I did recently.
How I helped my Son’s Dyslexia
You know something’s wrong, but what? You know that your child isn’t interacting with the world how you think they should, but no one seems to know what to do. Sounds familiar? It happened to me.
Being very clingy and not looking at strangers is something my son did. He’d walked at 8 months and missed the crawling stage in his attempts to get out into the world. When he was diagnosed with dyslexia at the age of six, my father a dyslexia teacher, told me that there was no cure and we had to learn to live with it. I refused to believe nothing could be done so I researched until I found a condition called Neuro developmental Delay which encompassed Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Autism, Asperger’s ADHD, Dyscalculia, late bedwetting, and Mutism. I knew I had to learn this to help my son, and I did. The results were amazing, the first new skill he had was eye tracking which changed his life. Within weeks, people were bringing their children to me and I started helping them too. I had built an accidental practice, with people visiting me from several counties away, I even had enquiries from Colorado within the first few weeks.
Late crawling/walking
Late talking
Not rolling over
Not being able to sit still
Glue ear
Missed developmental stages, such as never crawled or bottomshuffler.
These are early signs that may lead on to other clues as a child ages.
daydreaming in class
poor handwriting
short attention span/frequently loses place and fatigues easily/rubs eyes during or after short periods of reading
head is frequently tilted to one side or one shoulder is noticeably higher
turns or tilts head to see
squinting or closing or covering of one eye or excessive blinking or squinting
poor hand-eye coordination
holds the book or object unusually close
omits small words
uses finger to read or loss of place when reading, line to line and word to word
reverses or transposes numbers, letters, or short words like ‘was’ and ‘saw’.
the child seems bright, but can’t keep up with the work expected of him.
only being able to read for short periods of time
headaches oreyestrain or double vision
nausea or dizziness/motion sickness
These symptoms are usually the result of oculomotor (visual) and vestibular system (ears/balance) problems. Children with double vision do not know they are not supposed to see like that, they think everyone does. In fact unless you discover a symptom and tell the child that is not right, they think everyone has the same problems as them. So they won’t tell you. Another problem I have found is that Opticians often only check for static vision, they don’t check tracking and other problems. So eye problems are ruled out, but it is the very thing they need help with.his happened to us, my son had two eye tests which showed his vision was fine, but he could not track, he had Irlen Syndrome (light sensitivity, as do I), and no three dimensional
vision (stereopsis).