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Mob: 07730 188536

We offer total flexibility at brainbuzzz. There are various options for getting the help you need.


Sue lives near Chelmsford in Essex and usually sees children on Saturdays and in the school holidays.

Contact Sue to make an appointment


The basic package: one two hour session and two follow ups. Additional follow ups can be bolted on as needed. The basic package is billed as follows: Two hour session: 300 and follow ups 100 each.



Over the course of a year of treatment you will receive regular sessions with Sue or one of her graduates, and all the materials you require to make it easy: workcards,  and YouTube videos.


1:1 Sessions with Sue: Packages of Treatment


Come to my clinic where I will spend two hours with you for the first appointment, and one hour subsequently. Most people only usually need two follow ups, but this may be more if you have more complex issues to solve.


In the first two hour session I will screen your child with you present so that you can see exactly what the results are as we go.


Then I will show you what to do about our findings. Everything I screen for I know how to help.

It's Not Just Neurodevelopment for Children...

Treatment for adults is now available, and for children with emotional issues...

Find out more here

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