Mob: 07730 188536
Click above to find out about how to train with Sue and become a neurodevelopment specialist..
Click above if you are a parent who is looking for help with your child, or if you are an individual with learning issues who wants help.

List of Treatments

"Over the last 12 years we have helped hundreds of families who are dealing with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, high functioning autism, Autism, ADHD, Mutism, nerve damage, and so much more." Sue Cook BSc (Hons) Lic LCCH.
Read about my story here.
Book an appointment call 07730188536 or email

Mob: 07730 188536
Click above to find out about how to train with Sue and become a neurodevelopment specialist..
Click above if you are a parent who is looking for help with your child, or if you are an individual with learning issues who wants help.

List of Treatments

"Over the last 12 years we have helped hundreds of families who are dealing with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, high functioning autism, Autism, ADHD, Mutism, nerve damage, and so much more." Sue Cook BSc (Hons) Lic LCCH.
Read about my story here.
Book an appointment call 07730188536 or email